7. Retrofit for centrifugal fan to EC fan in AHU
The previous technology of centrifugal fan is higher loss in the fan due low efficiency .This EC fan modification can save you more money 30-50% and reduce the maintenance cost for free because of no belt and bearing to take care .The EC fan built-on board VSD and controller inside the motor get the signal from the temp. or pressure sensor to control the speed of drive.In addition, we can enhance the communication Modbus to send the signal and data to web application and controlled by mobile phone for showing and controlling speed of fan and monitoring significant parameters e.g. speed of fan ,motor temperature , electrical current ,vibration and noise level for optional.
Payback period wise escalate by 2-4 years depend on the airflow and static pressure of fan.Any energy saving project or inquiry, please contact us at 089-779-4884.